Fascia is the connective tissue system which creates a continuous three-dimensional web of support throughout body. It is surrounding and infused into all parts of the body including skin, muscles, bone, blood and lymph vessels, nerves, brain and internal organs. Fascia is what surrounds every cell giving the body its form. Three components make up fascial tissue: collagen fibers which provide tensile strength, elastin fibers which provide flexibility, and ground substance which fills the space between the collagen and elastin fibers.
Fascial restrictions are caused by trauma, surgery, repetitive motions, prolonged positioning, and thwarted inflammatory responses - essentially everyone has some level of restrictions in their fascia. Due to the fact the fascia is one continuous system we can compensate for restrictions up to a certain point. Over time the restrictions begin to layer up like an onion, the more layers that are present the less give there is in the system. Eventually we can no longer compensate and begin to experience the effects of a "fascial straight jacket" that can cause up to 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. A healthy fascial system should be soft and pliable whereas a restricted system begins to solidify and the tissue dehydrates. A restriction in the fascial system can be thought of as similar to a pull in a sweater: because the fascia is continuous the restrictions can have far reaching effects.
Fascial restrictions can not be seen on any current diagnostic tests such as X-ray, MRI, CT scan or blood test. Due to this fact many patients whose symptoms are caused by fascia are left undiagnosed or merely treated symptomatically, never getting to the true cause. Restrictions can be seen as change in posture, tight fascia can pull the bones out of optimal alignment. A skilled therapist can also locate areas of restrictions with her hands, feeling for areas on the body that are hard or tender.
Symptoms of fascial restrictions can range from minor to debilitating. Restrictions can pull the bones out of alignment creating postural changes and pain. When the restrictions are throughout the muscles they can cause tightness, reduced flexibility, and muscle weakness. Blood vessels and nerves run through the fascia and can become entrapped causing decreased circulation, pain, or numbness and tingling.
Myofascial release works by the therapist using her hands and sometimes elbow to apply sustained pressure into the areas of fascial restriction. The therapist finds the barrier and waits for the tissue to soften. It takes a minimum of five minutes for the collagen component of the tissue to soften, anything less than that is only addressing the elastin component of the fascia and results will be temporary. Opening the collagen of the fascia allows the tissue to rehydrate leading to more permanent results. Many techniques are held for much longer than five minutes to release many layers of the fascia. The fascial restrictions are like layers of an onion, after a release occurs the therapists hand can then go deeper to the next layer of tightness. The alignment of the pelvis is a key component to this work and addressed with all patients regardless of their diagnosis. The pelvis is the body's foundation and if it is rotated the abnormal forces can create additional restrictions throughout the body.
Myofascial release is a whole body approach. Many times the area of pain or symptoms is not the true cause of the problem. Other forms of treatment address the symptoms superficially with medication or other modalities but the true cause is never addressed. The fascia is one continuous structure so areas of restrictions can cause problems throughout the body. The goal is to open areas of restrictions so the body can return to its natural state of health.